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How To Get Your Book Details Indexed On IsbnAgency.com

Looking for how to get your book registered with Bowker?

If you want to get a unique web page for your book on IsbnAgency.com so customers can discover and share your book details, I can help.

This free service is my way of giving back and welcoming you to this terrific community of self published authors.


1.) Write your ISBN and your email address in the following format. It should look something like this:


(Note: please replace the number above with your actual isbn number -- no dashes -- and the email with your actual email address. Thanks!)


2.) Then provide your title info.

# of pages
format (paperback, ebook, etc) -- choose 1
subject (art, cooking, fiction, graphic novel, religion, self-help, etc.)
copyright year

Note: Only 1 format is allowed for each ISBN
For example, if submitting both paperback and ebook formats you would need 2 ISBNs -- 1 ISBN for each format


3.) Finally, attach your image files.

front cover image
isbn barcode image

(note: please provide a small image file for your front cover image. The image should be clearly readable, with no side bigger than 500 pixels, in jpeg format. File size must be 72dpi, under 1MB).

You can email this to michael@isbnagency.com

Then what happens:
Within the week, my team will create a free web page for your book, then we'll send you a confirmation email.

So... whenever you are ready, just send your title information and I'll get all of this done for you - it's quick and easy.


Looking for how to get your book registered with Bowker?

P.S. I strive to provide excellent customer service. It will really help other customers know what to expect if I can get your customer comments on my new Facebook page:


Thank you and best of luck with your book!

©ISBN Agency.com/ Moodoo Productions