
Get Your Book Into The Library of Congress

Be a Part of U.S. History

Get your book into the permanent collection of the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.

Click the "add to cart" button now!

Get an LCCN for Your Book
Library of Congress Control Number

- Get An LCCN For Your Book -

Library of Congress
Item: LCCN
Price: $39.99
Description: Get an LCCN - Library of Congress Control Number
Delivery: You will get a Paypal receipt by email. Then email us your book info.
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

Your book is important

You've invested a lot of time and money.

But it is a hard fact... not all books will find a receptive audience during the author's lifetime.

So how can you protect your investment and make sure your book can be discovered by future readers?

Why not the Internet?

It is tempting to believe the internet is a safe repository.

But as we've seen, websites can be hacked. So this is not a safe solution.

Besides, there's no long-term proof. The internet has only existed since 1991 and new technologies come and go.

The best way to protect your investment

is to get your book stored in the permanent collection of a world-class library with over 200 years of history.

Library of Congress Facts

The Library of Congress was founded in 1800.

Since then, they have collected over 16 million books.

For a limited time, your book can become part of the permanent collection of the Library of Congress.

This is a unique opportunity to be a part of U.S. History and make your book available to future generations.

Library of Congress - LCCN For Your Book

Our expert team has been helping self-publishers for over 15 years to take the frustration and guesswork out of getting complicated tasks done.

We are among the few trusted companies who can facilitate the process of getting your book into the Library of Congress.

Join 16 million other authors who enjoy the peace of mind from knowing their book is safely stored in the permanent collection of the Library of Congress.

Required information:

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Description (100 words or less)
  • Copyright Year
  • # of Pages
  • Part of a series? -- if yes: which # in series? How many volumes planned?
  • Meant for children / young adults?
  • ISBN number
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Address
  • Year of birth
  • Publisher name
We will get started on your application right away. The Library of Congress needs 2 weeks to process the application.

Note: After you get the LCCN, you must mail a hard copy of your book to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Get an LCCN for Your Book
Library of Congress Control Number

- Get An LCCN For Your Book -

Library of Congress
Item: LCCN
Price: $39.99
Description: Get an LCCN - Library of Congress Control Number
Delivery: You will get a Paypal receipt by email. Then email us your book info.
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

©ISBN Agency.com/ Moodoo Productions