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  • ISBN: 9781513660462

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    Business Blindspots: Eliminate Hidden Challenges for Exponential Growth





  • Description:

    Foreword by New York Times Best Selling Author Dr. Marshall Goldsmith and Introduction by International Entrepreneur and Franchisor Bradley J. Sugars. Take Control of Your Business Blindspots This book has been written in such a way that works as a checklist, instruction manual, and an actual coursebook with test questions. This book can be used in the way that best fits your individual needs. Updated for the Covid-19 global pandemic as another blindspot was indeed this virus. You will discover critical business concepts and learn how to implement these strategies in a way that allows every business owner and every team member to participate and grow. By implementing these systems, you'll be ahead of the competition and ready for success. This book is for everyone and every business. Whether it's pre-startup to fast-growth, from disaster to turn-around, and from re-birth to a consistent and stable growth company, there are tools and ideas for everyone. Whether you are the CEO or a front-line manager, or even a front-line team member, this book was written to help everyone in the organization cause the company to become much more successful by reading AND APPLYING the actions recommended.

  • Subject:

    Business Management


    Doug Winnie

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