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  • ISBN: 9781666400984

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    Two Sides of The Same Coin





  • Description:

    PSSST Hey you ...Been waiting on Book Have you have you read books 1-4. You Haven't Please I beg do not read this books out of order they build upon one another and I want you to enjoy the ride. Go back start with book 1 and enjoy the ride. Trigger Warning. All Book have a sexual natures some are more graphic than others Mona I am what they call an untouchable. One of the real jewels at Pleasures. Every man wants to sleep with me, but I am only promised to one. I've been in love with this man with all my heart for far too long. As I fill in for one of the regulars I encounter a man whose voice sounds like sex. With him, I'm do something I've only ever done with one person.When he calls for me I run, for him I will be whatever he needs. Well almost. Saunders She walked right passed me. I claimed her seductive aroma as my own. Her laughter roused my sleeping giant, and I longed to taste her. Pleasure had become my playground, and I was willing to go to any length to have Mona all to myself. I am an exceptional puppeteer.I play Mona right up to the point where she hates me; but longs to be near me.I play Mona to the point where she despises me but craves my company. I will still break her.

  • Subject:

    Adult Education


    R.K Renton

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